T-minus One Week

And counting before a big quality system audit at work. So things are cray-cray and not in a good way. And not for play-play.

I’m so not looking forward to it because 3-day automotive quality system certification audits suck dirty b-hole. They are mentally and physically exhausting and almost always create busywork for the quality department.

But I’m so looking forward to it because I just want it fucking done already.

Of course, since my boss dumped being in charge of these audits in my lap, I want it to go well. But a small, secret part of me wants it to go horribly awry in order to justify all the concerns I’ve been expressing to our management team for months.

But mostly I just want it over because audits are stressful because of the “unknown”. You just don’t know what path the auditor is going to go down and if they are going to be an asshole or not.

Uggh. Calgon take me away.

About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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4 Responses to T-minus One Week

  1. bearpupuk says:

    In a completely inexplicable bout of S T U P I D I left my comment on your 2012 post about quality audits.

    In an utterly explicable bout of laziness I can’t be arsed to write it all out again here, so I refer you to your previous posting.

    I hope it’s over as quickly and painlessly as possible for you and that the auditors all get their heads stuck in a bucket of fetid dingo’s kidneys.

  2. truthspew says:

    Yes in fact audits suck but they’re a part of life whatever field you’re in.

  3. Chip says:

    When I have weeks like that I have to keep reminding myself that “work equals paycheck”.

  4. Raybob says:

    Ugh – hope this goes well for you. I’ve endured the hospital variety of audits, and they were never nice.

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