Don’t Go Chasin’ Waterfalls

Of all the cool parks and water features in Minneapolis, I’d not yet been to Minnehaha Falls. Partly because you have to “go” there, you don’t just sort of wander by accidentally and say “oh look! A waterfall!”

And also because everyone’s already done it and it’s not top priority to do again– like going to the Statue of Liberty or the Corn Palace.

But yesterday was gorgeous and it found me in the company of Tim, where we rode our bikes to breakfast. And then decided to ride the lakes.

Which then turned into meeting up with John and riding to Minnehaha Falls.

Minneapolis really is a brilliant city for biking– there are bike lanes, trails, and a big bike highway (the greenway) that runs across the city.

Which is how I found myself at the Falls for the first time:


This is the view from the top of the Falls. Because we’ve had so much rain lately, the creek is quite swollen and the falls roaring.



Roar. Grrrrrrr.

The Falls offered numerous opportunities for posing:



Me making fun of the girls posing. And these weren’t the only ones doing it. There were engagement photos and quinceañera photos galore yesterday.

Here are Tim, John and myself at the falls:


All told it was about 28 miles on my bike and a day in the sun.

It was a good Sunday.

About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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4 Responses to Don’t Go Chasin’ Waterfalls

  1. Chip says:

    You better buy some new pens. There’s leaked ink all over your body.

    P.S. Handsome friends !

  2. I second chip’s comment about da menz!

    I have never been to the falls whilst out in MSP; I must put that on my list.

  3. Dave says:

    Blanche, Rose & Dorothy visit the falls 🙂

  4. Rick says:

    I was thinking you that you looked so much younger out in the bright sun. I didn’t realize you had shaved.
    Looks like a beautiful place–where’s all the Orientals like one see’s at the Grand Canyon and other tourist spots?

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