My iPhone has a first name…

… and its K-O-Y-A-A-N-I-S-Q-A-T-S-I


Yeah, my iPhone is now stuck with the name “KoyaanisqatsiPhone”  no thanks to y’all (although MaBellatrix was a close second).

For the uninitiated, Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi word meaning “life out of balance”.  It is also the title to an early 80’s film featuring only Philip Glass music and time-lapse photography.  In the film, the visual imagery juxtaposes calm, natural scenes with hustle-bustle manmade environments.  Its all done with that sped-up camera work that can be seisure-inducing.  The basic message?  Man and technology add so much complexity and chaos that they throw life out of balance.

What better representation of how ‘crazy’ life and technology have become than an iPhone?  Emailing, texting, surfing the nets, taking pictures, checking stocks, watching videos, listening to music, checking weather, organizing your calendar… all at the touch of a screen whilst bebopping down the street.

Yet as an ironic twist, how the iPhone can help simplify your life by offering you so much power contained in one device– in the palm of your hand.


Balance.  Imbalance.

Yin.  Yang.

Did I mention that my black iPhone has a white protective cover?


About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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9 Responses to My iPhone has a first name…

  1. voenixrising says:

    One of my favorite films of all time. (Yeah, I know, I’m weird.)

  2. rg says:

    Aaaaah – nothing like obscure cultural references to make my day.

  3. dirkmancuso says:

    Jesus Christ — I can’t even pronounce “municipal” without tripping over my own tongue and you come up with this.

    Would it have been so hard to call it Seth…?

  4. Trevor says:

    hope you downloaded some stellar Philip Glass ring tones to go with the name…

  5. cb says:

    actually I dislike Philip Glass music (generally). If I want minimalistic compositions, I much prefer John Adams.

  6. Rich says:

    KoyaanisqatsiPhone? When you send it off to school with the other iPhones, it’s gonna have to explain that for life?

  7. rg says:

    Rich – I agree. Why doesn’t CB just put a big sign on it’s back that says “Kick My Ass”?

  8. cb says:

    You people obviously don’t have children. Ethnic names are all the rage– names like Brittney and Josh are OUT.

    The other iPhones will call him “Koyaa”– it’ll be okay.

  9. Life IS, totally and completely, about balance – so *BINGO*, you have hit it on the head.

    I will name mine someday soon…and I’ll let you know what we choose.

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