Crisis Averted

Or at least mitigated without undue delay.

On Wednesday I arrived home around 7pm to discover that my kitchen sink was full of black, sediment filled water that wouldn’t drain. Fucking ew!

The thing is, my sink had been fine all week and was functional that morning. And I hadn’t been home at all- so no running water, no dishwasher, no laundry, no nothing. So why was it full of grody water?

I do live in a medium-rise, condo building, so our plumbing stacks are kind of interconnected. My guess is something got clogged below me and I got the backup.

So I emailed the condo office and they were able to get the plumbing people out Thursday afternoon. And lo! It was fixed by the time I got home yesterday! No repeated calls. No hassles. No “oh this is your problem, call a plumber”.

Everything worked as it should and I have a sink again.

Not that I didn’t lose sleep Wednesday night about it. Things like this stress me out. I’m headed into a holiday weekend, I have to go down to moms to deal with storm damage from the Iowa extreme weather, and I was worried that I was going to have to manage a clogged sink on top of it all.

Thankfully not.

About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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Crisis Averted

Or at least mitigated without undue delay.

On Wednesday I arrived home around 7pm to discover that my kitchen sink was full of black, sediment filled water that wouldn’t drain. Fucking ew!

The thing is, my sink had been fine all week and was functional that morning. And I hadn’t been home at all- so no running water, no dishwasher, no laundry, no nothing. So why was it full of grody water?

I do live in a medium-rise, condo building, so our plumbing stacks are kind of interconnected. My guess is something got clogged below me and I got the backup.

So I emailed the condo office and they were able to get the plumbing people out Thursday afternoon. And lo! It was fixed by the time I got home yesterday! No repeated calls. No hassles. No “oh this is your problem, call a plumber”.

Everything worked as it should and I have a sink again.

Not that I didn’t lose sleep Wednesday night about it. Things like this stress me out. I’m headed into a holiday weekend, I have to go down to moms to deal with storm damage from the Iowa extreme weather, and I was worried that I was going to have to manage a clogged sink on top of it all.

Thankfully not.

About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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