The Wrath of Pride

Well- the month of Prideth beginneth. And maneth am I busy-eth!

The he first weekend of the month I was back down in Iowa doing stuff around moms house- taking stuff to goodwill and visiting her.

Then last week I had rehearsals Tuesday and Thursday – and sang the national anthem with our small ensemble at the St Paul Saints pride night baseball game. Naturally there was a rain delay- but we got a double rainbow so…

This week I have the Orville Pwxk concert tomorrow night. Then I drive to Iowa on Friday for more work around mom’s house, etc. Then Saturday it’s driving to Kansas for a cousin’s wedding. Then Sunday back to Iowa for mom time. Then Monday home in time for a car oil change appointment.

Tuesday the 18th is our Pride concert tech rehearsal. Thursday is dress. Friday and Saturday concerts. (thank goodness we get Friday off for Juneteenth at work- although we have a dreaded customer visit on Wednesday and Thursday that week.

Sunday the 23rd is book club. And Monday the 24th starts Pride week here in the cities. Tuesday is an annual Chorus meeting. Thursday rehearsal for GALA. Friday I have the beer dabbler. Then general festivities and a pool party on Sunday (I think).

Then we’re into July. Where I am SWAMPED until July 15.


About cb

Nickname: Munt Measurements: 45 B, 34, 38(?) Ambition: to be the best human ever! Turn ons: long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, porn, rainbows, cock Turn offs: bad smell face, men who are full of themselves, dead puppies, popcorn, sadness
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1 Response to The Wrath of Pride

  1. Wrecks0 says:

    My mother was married in a church in Newton, Kansas on Saturday, and I was there. Were you there too?

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